Waiting for the sun to rise

I took this photo from the front of the Auckland Museum. By the time sunrise was due, there was increased cloud cover on the horizon, and this is therefore my Saturday Sunrise for this week.

Posting earlier than usual as S and I are about to leave by cab for the airport on our way to Sydney.

Later addition: we are sitting in the lounge with a mid afternoon glass of wine and a late lunch. S is now able to relax. Bags packed, and checked in, so we have what we have. Nothing to be done about it now. Anyway Sydney is good to find anything we decide we want. I have bought a book for the flight and after, as that was something I ended up leaving behind. S has her kindle app on her iPad and is set.

My walk this morning turned into a jog, when I saw what the sky was offering and I needed to get to where I could take some decent shots. I was delighted to find that other than mild tightness, there was no problem running.

I was fascinated to see one of my theories being news in the Herald this morning. An association between endurance training (and competing) and atrial fibrillation. Whatever the pathway, there are just too many older runners I know or know of who have developed AF for it to be chance. Finally, the association has become accepted, with a five fold increase in risk.

New time zone from tonight. New places to photograph. Looking forward also to the time to spend surfing journals that I have recently neglected due to workload.

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