Another tulip

Washing hung outside to dry and then some gardening. I tied up the self seeded sweet peas that have been in the garden all winter. Then I did the final prune, a very large Salvia, Hot lips which is very hardy. I don’t know if my Salvia Armistad has made it through the winter. A late lunch and then I decided to drive to Seaton for a visit to the Wildlife Photography exhibition before it moves location. There was a lot of traffic on the roads, especially farm machinery and coaches and road works all causing slow traffic. I then went into Sidmouth. My mother in law has tasked me to get a couple of new chair backs for her but there were none in the shop where I thought there might be some so she will have to like the ones I found yesterday in Exmouth, in the indoor market, although I won’t tell her where they came from. Today I took delivery of a walking book for a holiday in Cornwall in September. It was marketed as second hand bit it looks like a pristine copy. 
A beautifully sunny day today but going downhill tomorrow according to the weather forecast. This tulip is a one off in the garden, not sure where it came from.

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