The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


What can I say?

I went to work for a morning (I have to make up time because I went to a funeral on a Wednesday) and found that I'm beginning to catch up at last.

Followed this with a visit to the Trinity Rooms for lunch. Friends were there. Much talk about growing gooseberries, a subject of which I am totally ignorant.

Left and went to a flat nearby, as it was my first official English lesson with S, a young male Afghani refugee. He has permission to stay in the UK but his English isn't good enough for him to get a job. We talked a lot about food (it's the end of Ramadan) and the words used. For example, cow, beef, calf (veal)? But I had to explain that I didn't know the word for a baby camel, and that we do not eat camel here. We had a laugh. Pronunciation is going to be a hurdle. More next week

After a rest and some food, I put on my glad rags and went out to the Sub ooms to meet my friend / colleague A for a concert. The band was the Baghdaddies, from the Middle East and Newcastle, with a fast danceable 'Balkan ska' sound. Fantastic! Great fun loving performance too. I danced, danced and danced the whole evening. Glad I am 59 and still dancing (sometimes), not at home every evening watching crap TV.

Got a lift home, checked my phone and found that there was MORE music the next day! Decided to sleep on it. Believe me, falling asleep was not difficult at the end of a busy week.

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