Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Cuckoo flower

Last night Gavin and watched A Man called Otto on TV, which we thoroughly enjoyed. I had read the book years ago (A Man Called Ove) and seen the original Swedish film with English subtitles, but I rather enjoyed this American version with Tom Hanks, which also had his son acting in it, and it was produced by his wife, so a real family effort.

This morning Gavin went for a run with Xena before the rain started, and then it rained from breakfast until after lunch. I spent the time selecting my images for our annual camera club exhibition - we choose 6 prints and 6 PDI's and then they are judged and usually only 3 of each are exhibited. 

For weeks I have been thinking about selling some DSLR lenses that I will no longer use on the mirrorless cameras (I do have an adaptor that allows you to use such lenses on mirrorless cameras but these are lenses where I already have a mirrorless lens or won't be using). I uploaded all the details of the lenses I wished to sell to the website - I had already done this months ago so I knew what price I would be getting - I got a new quote and arranged for collection of the lenses this week. Then I had to find the original lens boxes in the loft and packed up the lenses, I luckily had kept everything so they are packed like new, and Gavin helped me find a large box in which to pack the boxed lenses. I then ordered the new mirrorless lens I have been planning to buy for 6 months, it's a 100mm-400mm zoom which I wanted to get before our holiday in August.

After lunch the sun came out again so we took Xena for another walk in the woods. We had hoped to play golf today but when we saw the forecast for rain we decided against it, but after walking with Xena we dropped her off at home and went to the driving range. I was hopeless today I could not do anything right! I saw my coach there and he came over and gave me some tips. 

We timed this well as it looks as if it is about to start raining again.

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