Pear Blossom

Not a particularly special photo, except for the way it was taken. I was investigating a feature on my new camera which I've not tried before:  hand-held, automatic, in camera focus stacking.  I admit I am quite blown away by the result.  I realise this technology has been available for a while on other cameras from other manufacturers, but it is the first time I have had an opportunity to try it out.  When I have done focus stacking before, it has involved mounting the camera on a tripod and manually tweaking the focus between each exposure (quite a lengthy and careful process) then importing the files to software to blend the images together to get a final image sufficiently sharp from front to back.  With this facility on the camera, I just set the number of exposures I wanted (14 in this case) and the degree of focus adjustment between each exposure (I just left that setting on the factory default).  The camera then took all the exposures and combined them - adjusting for camera movement between exposures - all in less than a second. Quite remarkable.

The technology has moved on at impressive speed.

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