Tuesday: On The Road To Belize City

I had an event to attend in Belize City this morning so this is a drive by shot of a fairly typical scene en route.

This evening I hosted a reception for a visiting cricket team from the Marylebone Cricket Club.  We had a very near miss when we discovered that my colleague had completely forgotten to invite them, so we would have had the reception but no guests of honour and just a dozen or so local contacts who would have wondered why they were there.  Luckily the evening was rescued when we discovered that someone else had passed on the details to them, knowing the event was for them, so they turned up all nice and spruce in their blazers.  They were lovely lads.

One of their group wrote cricket laws at Lords.  What a fascinatingly niche job.  I asked if that wasn’t finite, in that surely the laws had been written, but he said that modern technology and practices meant cricket was changing so laws had to be updated.  Plus he had to deal with every query that came in and, if something wasn’t covered by cricket law, he had to draft it.

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