77 F/ 25 C

An early morning 
start to my day - appointments
at the hospital


I had an 8:30 appointment in the professional building at the hospital. Knowing what I know about parking there, I drove into the parkade while the 7 AM news was on the radio. I was sure I wouldn't get a parking spot if I'd waited until later. Even at 7:30 most of the spots were filled. 

I found my way through the rabbit warren to the right level and the right clinic. I got a shot of the intersection of Columbia Street and Third Avenue looking to the downtown and the river. It's a wet morning so I was thankful not to have to walk outside at all. 

Who should I meet in the elevator but my favourite school secretary! We had a brief chat, then moved off in different directions. 

I met with a new doctor and got a referral for yet another specialist. 

I was surprised to find the waiting areas almost empty in this portion of the hospital. I'm not sure what that means. 

I've come home with another prescription. I was home just before 10. The sun is trying to shine now. 

I'm in for the day working on odd jobs. 

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