The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Scooter special

Worked all day, with enough work to keep me going (and a pile of research to get round to ...whenever ...) and then caught the bus home, the one that takes the scenic route all round Stroud.

Got home, had a mug of tea and a snack, then CleanSteve and I set off for the cinema, where we saw The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. What a lovely film! I laughed and I cried and I thought a lot. It's the film of the book of the same name, by Rachel Joyce, which came out a few years ago. And, best of all, Stroud was in it! My heart sang.

On the way back to the car we saw up to a dozen scooters parked outside the Queen Vic pub. Obviously a convention of sorts. What iconic vehicles they are! Of course, my teen years were spent soaking up the brief exciting vibes of the  Mod Revival....

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