The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Courts NT (Tuesday 25th April 2023)

Having finally working through the pictures from Blackland Park on Tuesday I was ready to sail forth again and set off in the morning to visit a National Trust property in Holt, The Courts. The house is not open and the café which used to be in a room in the building is now al fresco with a mobile tea shed to buy from. In the past some of my visits have been spoiled for me by gangs of noisy children but on this day I was lucky. Also, I had a second chance to contribute to Blip a shot of forget-me-nots (Myosotis scorpioides) for Wild Flower Week. I've put a more general shot of a part of the gardens in Extras. One of its features is a grey bridge over a pond which I got a few shots of.

Afterwards I drove over to C. in Trowbridge and while there I photographed Loki in a number of favoured catnap spots. In the second Extra he is on a Joan Miró tablecloth.

Thanks to Miranda1018 for Wild Flower Week.

Thursday 27.4.2023 (1412 hr)

Blip #3862 (#3612 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #000
Blips/Extras In 2023 #070/266 + #046/100 Extras
Day #4777 (1174 gaps from 26.3.2010)
Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day #3002 (#2842 + 160 in archived blips)

The Courts NT series
National Trust series
Wildflowers series

The Courts NT, 25 April 2023 (Flickr album)(Work in progress)

Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Josienne Clarke - Time Has Told Me (2022)
Josienne Clarke (vcl, pno) with Alec Bowman Clarke (bass), Matt Robinson (kbds), Dave Hamblett (dr, perc)
“The last few years I’ve gone through a process of change as an artist and what better way to orient yourself as a singer and a songwriter than through songs and the work of songwriters you deeply admire. Perhaps this seems like an odd collection of songs to release now and/or to have alongside one another but these are all songs that I’ve been singing live or have secretly held a notion of how I’d interpret them when I gave myself the chance. Each one deeply melancholic in a way that particularly speaks to me, as a singer, songwriter and an admirer of lyricism in songcraft.” - Josienne Clarke
Nick Drake was an extremely talented musician, songwriter and singer whose lack of commercial success probably led to his premature death after just three finely crafted albums for the Island record label. Millennials like to think that they were the first to discover him, but I can assure them that I and my friends were very appreciative of his work at the time. I knew his first two albums, listened to his John Peel recordings on the radio and would have gone to see him at nearby Mothers Club if I'd had the cash. Time Has Told Me was in a great many people's record collection as it was included on a sampler album called Nice Enough To Eat that sold for 12/6d (63 pence) in 1969 that everybody owned.
Josienne Clarke is a Scottish singer-sonwriter (though born in Sussex) who has recently launched a solo career after a decade of being in various groups and duos. This comes from an extended EP called Now And Then.

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