
Our three day cultural extravaganza in Aberdeen got off to a mighty fine start with Rhiannon Giddens and Francesco Turrisi at the Music Hall. We were treated to a wonderful mix including old-style banjo, Italian love songs, blues, Brazilian accordion tunes, Irish jigs, Shetland reels and a slowed down powerful version  of I ShallNot Be Moved, all sung with feeling. 

We travelled by bus - straightforward and takes just under 3 hours. Interesting conversation were overheard - a very chatty medical student outlining her dating experiences using some app. A potential suitor was ruled out because he lived in Bradford and another dismissed after one drink as they were obviously not suited. This was followed by a angry young man who didn't like pensioners, except for his grandad, and most people I  his circle of acquitances it would seem.

Looking forward to exploring Aberdeen tomorrow and show number 2.

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