It's hotting up!

At long, long, last the weather seems to be getting a bit better. We even managed half an hour of chillax time on the sun terrace this afternoon, albeit Ann was wearing a sweater and not a bikini. Lol!

But OMG it was cold when I went along the lane first thing this morning. And it was a bit mizzly and drizzly.
Fortunately by the time Ann had been to Zumba and then taken me for a play on the beach late morning, it had started to heat up. As you can see from this photo though, there was still no sign of Mr Sunshine.

Mr Sunshine came out briefly, about 4pm but he seems to have gone away again now. However we haven't needed to have the heating on today so that's got to be a good thing.

And that's pretty much been our day. I've gobbled up all my dinner because I've been eating loads since we came back to Cornwall. An evening watching EastEnders & Corrie beckons.

Oh and in other news....................... Our very lovely friend, Fiona, who is looking after our flat in Edinburgh for us, popped in today to take a meter reading. It's exactly the same as the one Ann took when she turned everything off when we left on 16th April so that has reassured Ann that she has turned absolutely everything off.   A few months ago Ann changed our direct debit payment of £138pm to £200pm (which EDF in their wisdom had then changed to £400 a month – way, way more than it should have been) to a direct debit where we send in a meter reading every month and just pay for what we have used. Last month it was £258, whereas April should be about half of that and in May/June when we won't be there at all, we shouldn't have to pay anything, apart from the standing charge which Ann believes is about £15-16. Why you need to pay that when we're not even there is a mystery?! Just another way for the energy companies to make money??!!

Fiona also checked Ann's mail. Not that we get much mail because everything is done online these days, but ever since Ann got a speeding fine last September she's been paranoid that she's going to get another one. So far, so good. Lol!

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