
The cafe closed at 3pm today so that we could prepare for an event being held there tonight. Our young people had been involved, working with a local hotel to invent "mocktails" which they will serve tonight. 

As I was putting out the glasses for the (non-alcoholic) fizz, I thought I'd take a photo to show what a wonderful venue we have. It was only afterwards, when I went into the kitchen, that I saw the beautiful canapés which the staff in there had been preparing (extra).  Debbie told me that she had been up at 4am to pick the flowers, but I think she was joking :-)

I had a nice swim and sauna after work and then Joe and I travelled home on the bus. We had a Family FaceTime with Mum and Dad and my sister and brother and then took Jess down to the river for a swim. The light was lovely.

I'll be ready for bed tonight!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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