
I enjoyed a very good nights sleep, it’s always nice to be back in your own bed I think. It’s been a cold, grey day…I shopped local for a few bits to keep me going as it’s looked like rain most of the day though thus far has stayed dry.

I cooked tea before the wee one appeared…sausages, little roast potatoes, purple sprouting broccoli and peas then locally grown rhubarb stewed with half an orange zest and juice…it’s delicious! I was surprised when he wanted broccoltree on his plate as I dished dinner up and even more surprised when he ate it…holding it like a lollipop. He’s a poorly little soldier having had a bug all week and ending up being taken by ambulance to A&E on Thursday night with very low blood oxygen levels. He cuddled into me and fell asleep after his tea until I moved him…I’ve managed to get two thirds of a dose of Calpol in him and his pyjamas on so he’s now watching Hey Dugee waiting for my ice cream to warm up so he can share it with me!

An extra of the prom…there’s been some high spring tides which have cleaned the sands somewhat although there’s still some debris against the prom wall. There weren’t many people around and I’d only circled home from the village shop via the prom to breathe some sea air…city living definitely isn’t for me!

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