Friday: Great-Uncle Rudy’s Bike

This afternoon I attended the opening of THE event of the year in Belmopan, the National Agricultural Trade Show.  It was very hot and the speeches about crop yield were very lengthy but apparently the show itself is pretty good with lots of vendors etc.  We’ll see this weekend.

I was admiring this bike on the way out and bumped into someone I knew who told me that it was her ex-partner’s great-uncle Rudy’s bike and he had cycled it in from about 30 miles away.  She pointed out Great-Uncle Rudy who did look a bit exhausted.

We had the second opening of the Pig&Parrot Club tonight.  It was much calmer than last time.  We’d be rubbish landlords though.  We said it was a hard finish at 11pm.  If I tell you that the last person left at 1.30am you can judge how that went.  

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