84 F/ 29 C

A weekend of real
summery weather and heat...
What will summer bring?


I was out the door at 7:30 heading up the hill to Paul Lake. The sun was already bright in the sky. 

I parked near the community mailboxes and walked a short distance along the trail on the north side. I could see across to the small community of Paul Lake. There were two eagles perched above the lake which I caught in silhouette. A pair of mallards cruised by me on the lake. 

As I started the drive back down, I spied an osprey on a dead tree overlooking the road. Balsomroot is in full bloom in the sunniest locations. There's more to come. 

Horses were in the field near the road. Cattle roamed the open range with many calves in evidence. They are already wearing their 'earrings'. 

I was back home before 9 with a take-out breakfast in hand. 

I'm in for the day with lots of hand-stitching to do.

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