
By dunkyc


After an initial pleasant start to the day, I am ashamed to say that for the first time in a long time, I lost my temper with the wee ones today.

A silly disagreement that they had had earlier in the day simmered on a walk into town and eventually boiled over as we tried to “treat” The Youngest to some trainers. An attempt to resolve it, instead resulted in them laying hands on each other and as the argument continued to rumble on with continued ridiculous intransigence, I - as the saying goes - lost my sh*t and unleashed an unpleasant tirade.

On our return home the wee ones were despatched to their rooms and told not to exit them until they could offer up a meaningful apology to me and each other. Eventually they did just that and so we were able to hug it out and move forward, but my GOODNESS I was exhausted after the whole sorry affair!!

We played a game of Forbidden Island (pictured - it looks like they’re rowing here, but for once they weren’t!), but couldn’t escape before the island sunk, so consoled ourselves with bowlfuls of the chilli that had been bubbling away in the slow cooker all day and then settled in for a viewing of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

I couldn’t wait to get them and me into our respective beds.

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