Walking out in the Morning Dew

Lá Bealtine/May Day and the official start of summer and it's been glorious!  Wall to wall sunshine and giddy heights of 17C reached. I started off with a roll in the dew - all areas requiring rejuvenation - and then nipped down to Galladoo Well, traditionally visited on May Morning. sometimes by young girls hoping to get info about their future husbands. I think you had to gaze into the water and hope to see an apparition of a handsome chap. I already have my handsome chap so had no surprises. Everywhere was looking incredible and the well, blipped before, is almost on a cliff edge with massive views out to Bantry Bay, a promontory fort in front of it.  What I especially loved was the bird life - from running the gauntlet of outraged stonechats to the wonderful honking of a pair of ravens. There were also some large brown and white sheep (Jacobs?) with wonky horns and a carpeting of bluebells. 
Later, and this was Himself's idea, we strode down to the strand for a May Day dip. Oh boy!  Kill or cure, it was perishing but we did it. 
A spot of Grateful Dead seems appropriate.  They don't go off on one like this any more. Just let it wash over you.
We're off to Kerry for a couple of days - catch up later. 

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