
Yet another grey and miserable day.  Unlike yesterday it was much milder and unlike yesterday it was much wetter.  I couldn’t bring myself to go out for a run in the rain, so eventually decided to bake, only to find my baking cupboard was rather depleted.  I eventually went to the supermarket, but I had lost the baking notion by then.  Late morning the rain seemed to have gone off, so I risked hanging my washing out and went for a wee walk round about.  Not such a brilliant idea as it rained – though not too heavily, so I didn’t get too wet – unlike my washing.
BB appeared sometime mid-morning.  After his sporting exertions yesterday, he declared that he was aching all over, but particularly across his shoulders. 
After lunch, I opened a jigsaw I bought recently and made a start with it.  Later in the afternoon the rain stopped, so I went out for a proper walk.  It was quite pleasant and the sun came out for a little while.  On my homeward stretch  the rain came on and this time it really rained, very heavily.  I was soaked through by the time I got home, after walking up the hill, with a river running down the road.  At least  I got in to find TT cooking tea.  There seemed little point getting changed into dry clothes, so I just got changed into my pyjamas!
TT’s roast chicken dinner was most welcome.  Later we facetimed TT’s mum and after that I watched some of a film.  I will finish it another time.
It was lovely for the brief time the sun came out this afternoon.  This is between the rain.  The geese were under the Nungate bridge and the lovely tulip is outside a local café.

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