
The little house next door is having a new roof installed. The 4 roofers arrived before the sun was up this morning and after some inspections of the scaffolding that was erected yesterday (some in our yard) they had the side and back off before breakfast. Gee they worked fast.

I wasn’t feeling brilliant and spent a lot of the day in bed so I have added a series of their progress in extras. Tomorrow they will do the front and other side I guess. After days of showery weather it was dry enough but windy. Didn’t seem to bother them walking confidently around on the roof. It would have taken me all day just to climb up there. It didn’t have insulation so that was added today before the new iron.

I did go to the GP for scripts and flu vax. When I got there they sent me home to do a Covid test. Bob went in while I was testing myself and I arrived just as it was my turn for attention. After coughing half the night we decided to leave the jab for another day. 

Lovely daughter N called around for an hour. She sat on my bed with me and we caught up on what’s happening.

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