
One of the Amaryllis fell towards the other then that one fell over and snapped. So now have a very short stem in a small vase with some clothes pegs holding it up a bit.

Flowers were just beginning to look their best, hopefully, I'll get a few days out of them.

Today is eight years of Blipfoto, 2920th Blip, majority of which have been a post a day for a year. Can't believe that! I'm sorry I don't interact much, even less at the moment, but maybe with more motivation again & creativity soon. Seem to be stuck in a flower & nature rut.

Included some extras of the Amaryllis flowers as they are, surviving the fall even if the stem didn't.

Also an old pick of Fear the Chookie (a reminder) that used to follow you round the Riccarton Garden Centre - they mentioned today on FB that it passed away, such a lovely wee character.

Thank you all Blipfolk for passing by, leaving messages, hearts & favs & for sharing your photographic journey along the way.

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