Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

My sleeping girl

Rhona is a very light sleeper. She has been getting better recently and stayed sleeping even when I turned the light on to take this picture tonight.

Another warm day today but the sun kept hiding behind big clouds so not quite as beautiful a day as yesterday. We were in Ballater this morning after a night in the caravan with Granny and Granda. After a hearty breakfast of bacon and leftover potato rosti and croquette from tea last night, we took Euan and Rhona to play in the park on the site. They both enjoyed the swings and Euan allowed Rhona to go down the slide on his knee which she loved.

Left at midday feeling sleepy so ended up stopping for a 20 minute nap just before Aboyne at the glider car park. Before nodding off, I actually saw a glider being towed into the air by a small plane. My first thought was to show Euan what was happening, but he was asleep too!

Got home eventually and visited the Greats. Rhona was determined to walk everywhere but more often than not she was throwing herself at us by not taking her time! Her wee legs just can't keep up with the speed she want$ to go! Euan helped to water the plants and filled the bird bath before we headed home. I got the grass cut for the first time this year and it looks much better but I still need to tidy the edges and I will have to do it again next week I think.

Enjoyed a night catching up on some sky+ and knitting. Bed now for some kindle. Night.

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