
I had planned a later start than I had while my beautiful wife was away, but my body clock seems to have been re-set to wake me at 5am. Hopefully it will behave itself tomorrow.
I headed in to town to have a look at a job which has been going on for a while, and was lucky to be able to find somewhere to park relatively near to the house. I got a couple of showers fitted and then set about fitting a loo. It was bit of a longer process than it should have been because I had to cut into the wall and move the supply pipe. 
While I was having lunch, I was called out to another customer who was in a bit of a panic with water running down the walls and dripping through ceilings. It turned out that a bit of DIY had gone wrong and a screw had gone through a heating pipe. 
By the time I had it fixed, and had collected some stuff for work tomorrow, it was too late in the afternoon to start anything else so I headed home to await the return of HV from the horses. 

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