a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Free at last!

We've had plenty more damselfly emergences from the little pond in our garden.   This shot shows a large red damselfly practically emerged at this point.  I've got a number of shots of the whole sequence but I've gone for this one late on in the process because the hazy sun started to shine briefly through the rain clouds and the colours are so much better for it.

Many thanks for all your good wishes to Cathy and I on our 36th wedding anniversary yesterday.  

We celebrated with a meal out in Bath after which we were part of the audience for a live recording of BBC Radio 4's  "I'm sorry I haven't a clue" featuring Jack Dee, Marcus Brigstock, Pippa Evans, John Culshaw and Tony Hawks (with Colin Sell on the piano).  We saw two shows being recorded, the first featuring the ever delightful Samantha and the second the resident tree trunk in trunks Sven.  (Don't worry if you don't understand any of this - you need to have heard the radio programme to know what I'm blethering on about).

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