Getting ready for Pride month (June)

Rain on and off all day so no gardening again!

I did make a quick visit to Kingston to buy some Birthday presents and popped into the Tiger shop. I wondered why there were  so many rainbow items both in the party section and as gifts too. Tiger being is supporting the Albert Kennedy Trust which I had not heard of. AKT is a LGBTQ+ youth homelessness charity working with young people aged 16-25. A percentage of the sales form this range of products will be donated during June.

Also in Kingston,  in the main pedestrianised street, were two lots of ‘chuggers’ for NSPC and for Centrepoint …trying to get you to sign up to donate. I was approached three times so not amused as I already have regular donations to some charities. I would be interested to know what the ‘chuggers’ get paid, presumably some percentage of donations/ or by number of sign ups?

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