
By 4Sam3388

Shoet, Shute, Shite, Shit !!

Today was a disaster. One could say I really put my foot in it. This is supposed to be MON day. My Object Monday.

Well everything I could say about today would be objectionable.

I tried to short cut a photo save from my iPad to the office mac. The mac refused to cooperate until I did a new version upgrade of iPad software.

Saying Yes why not was the worst thing I could have done. It has taken me 6 hours to get half my iPad back.

I have lost all my Blip photos and the last year of saved notes addresses, uke tune downloads etc. it is a disaster.

My fault in some ways but also Apple. I got pissed off with the continuous crashing of iTunes on my PC so I gave up plugging it in.

I live off my iPad and found using my PC disappeared.

I use a full screen 27" Mac at work and thought I would plug the IPad into that and store all my blip stuff.

That was the beginning of the end.

MON tonight is not even my object but some friends who looked after me in my moment of despair. It is a couple of miniature jewel encrusted shoes on a very nice dresser.

It is out of focus. I have over saturated it, grunged it and thrown everything at it in a statement of blip pain.

Take it as it is. I stepped in the shoet today and I am still working on getting out of it.

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