
To me this moment was up there with taking my daughter to have her very first bra fitting and going with her looking for a Wedding dress... Ruben's YR12 Formal is in August but it's Exam block and Ruben didn't have an exam today so rather than waste the day, I said we should at least go look at suits because like me he isn't a clothes shopper but this is something he needed to do... He'd wear a potato sack if it was comfortable... We went to a men's store called " Reuben " I knew we couldn't go wrong choosing this store... The manager Jake was very good with giving options for Ruben to choose and the whole process was pretty painless for us all... Jake made sure the suit fitted well and had a fun way for picking a tie, in the end we just bought the suit rather than putting it on lay-by...
Ruben was very happy and was pretty chuffed with how he looked and he turned and asked me was I happy with his choices, I said yes he did very well... OMG my baby has grown up and just bought his first suit... All up is was $299.00 Australian dollars, about 160£ or about 183€

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