Coronet Peak …

….. ….. ….. From the Lower Shotover Track
After meeting a friend for coffee at Five Mile, Missy & I walked a fair way up the true left of the Shotover River, towards Coronet Peak. I’m amazed at the amount of snow on the mountains.
But - Snow in May - doesn’t stay.

We had a lovely Family Happy Hour at my daughter’s, with all the grandies; lots of fun - for yesterday’s birthday!
But it’s all been overshadowed by the death of my dear Aunty Marg, my mother’s youngest remaining sister. Marg has been in failing health for several years, and at 94yo had had a wonderful long life. It’s a release for her, and a relief too, for everyone; and we’re all sad. She’s been living in Auckland and I’ve not actually seen her since I shifted down here. We have many treasured memories of our precious family matriarch.

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