West End Boys

Up town to meet the son, recovered sufficiently from his recent lurgy to have started back at work. An enjoyable chatter over pizza (for him) and salad (for me). Back via a couple of shoe shops. Still no joy.
Then some Grandkiddie fun for Gramps - a session with the small bottom-shuffler followed by a walk to nursery to pick up the excited minky and deliver her home. Though she was then bad. Very bad. She wouldn’t eat her tea and instead wanted to go straight to the Kinder egg that Gramps had bought on his way back with her (which I’d been told to buy, let me be clear). Who’d be a parent, eh?
Later we binged. Oh yes. Probably a first. The complete eight episodes of Jury Duty. The weekly Guardian newsletter gave us a heads up: Jury Duty is the best TV comedy you’re not watching. In this week’s newsletter: Ask anyone if they’ve seen Amazon’s fake trial mockumentary where everyone is acting except for one poor juror, and you’ll unfairly be met with blank stares. 
I gotta agree. Very amusing indeed - and especially how they got away with it, outlined in the final episode. Wowza. Audacious or what.

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