The Calm After the Storm...

..but don't blink..the rain will be back! 

We are still in our Rainy Period here, and not venturing far from home. The weather is ever-changing. Just when we think the sun is out to stay, it isn't..and just when we think the rain will never stop - it does...for a few minutes..

In a day, we get to see quite a sampling of what Mother Nature has to offer! (see extra for today's morning and afternoon weather shots and the main for this evening)

Other than a quick trip to town to mail a couple postcards and pick up our daily bread at the patisserie, I spent the day staring at a computer screen...and then at a book and then I had a nap!   There is only so much staring my eyes can handle! 

It was a good day for news from home though...My daughter and husband are up north opening our summer cottage...yay! Friends are making progress with health issues, birthdays are being celebrated, much mulch has been laid on my garden.. and my cat Maggie is doing fine! 

Life is good.

Now, if only the rain would stop...

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