Home again

And this colour in the front garden was the first sight we had. All the azaleas are in full bloom, some of them on the way out even and the rhododendrons are starting to bloom too. The pond has huge iris leaves and plenty of other flowers around it and the frogs have returned. I spent a warm but happy hour clearing the wilted tulips so that I can start another wild and bee- and other critter-friendly patch there. My seedlings in the greenhouse have not survived the three weeks absence bar the paprika/pepper seedlings, but I got so many seeds for Mother's Day that I can sew new ones this week.

I hope you don't mind if I do the Abstract Thursday results tomorrow, gives me more time to unpack, do laundry and rest. The sailing was very smooth, but my stomach did not even like tiny waves !

Thanks very much for the kind comments and stars while we were on our holiday :-)

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