Bitter Vetch

It was lovely and sunny when Bertie and I went out for our walk but we hadn’t gone far before I regretted not wearing a jacket as the breeze was quite chilly. However, once we got down by the stream we were out of the wind and it was quite pleasant.
I’ve noticed this shy little flower appearing here and there on our walks recently and today I stopped to take a photo. I suppose it has always grown along this woodland path but I just haven’t paid it any attention until now. I used the search option on my iPad to see if it would tell me the name and, lo and behold, it did. Being naturally distrustful of what I read online, I went off to double-check in a wild flower book and, yes, there it was. Apparently it is a species of pea and for those who like the detail, it’s Latin name is Lathyrus linifolius.

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