
This morning I had one of the worst migraines I have ever had the misfortune to suffer. It involved much more flashing lights and distorted vision than normal. Migraleve tablets helped but did not take it away altogether and I can still feel it now. So I did not do any of the things I had planned this morning.

 I had to go up to the hospital a little earlier today as I had a routine appointment to have my boobs put through the mangles in the hospital staff car-park - otherwise known as a Mammogram. They no longer do them in the department, but in a portacabin in the car-park instead. It's not as bad as it sounds - I was in and out in five minutes today, whereas previous appointment in the actual department never took less than half an hour.

This left plenty of time for lunch in the hospital cafe before visiting time started.

Estelle, Dad's neighbour had popped in to visit him before official visiting time started. The staff had tried to turf her out but she managed to talk them into letting her spend a little time with him first. He was happy to see her of course.

Unfortunately though today he seems to have regressed a little progress-wise. Despite a good nights' sleep he was very tired and kept falling asleep whilst I was there and his mobility seems to have declined further. He was too tired to eat his tea tonight which is most unlike him. He was in bed and asleep before I came home.

I did get to speak to the consultant nurse who is in charge of his care today. I did not take everything in properly that she said as my head was so numb from the migraine, but they are considering giving him another operation called a Tavi procedure to improve his quality of life. It is quite a risky procedure though and nothing is decided yet...

Once home I wanted to go for a walk as I'd been sat indoors all day really so I got Bri to have a wander round the Arbo with me. I took this shot of the church roof with the Bomber Command monument in the background. There's an extra of some flags in the hospital outpatients' car-park. This would have been my Blip if I'd not needed that walk!

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