
Nice morning over tea and scones chatting with S and V about Orkney, general gossip and travel plans, then after S went off to her train and V and I completed the list of final amendments to our Borneo booking, I drove over to Helensburgh in gorgeous sunshine.
Started with a tour of RR’s garden, with him pointing out various trees and remembering when they’d planted them, and me feeling swept back by the sight of the horse chestnut candles to the time around Mt’s birth and first becoming a mother. Then a tour of the house and talk of Persian design principles, carpets and ceramics. Settled down to chat over an unbelievably wide range of topics….well into the evening….and then over supper in the town, and on a tour of the town (so many beautiful old, huge houses and views over the water to impressive mountains tinged with a faint pink), and finally standing in the drive. Finally set off to VickyG’s about 10pm!
Bit of chat and peppermint tea before bed…..

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