Wall-to-wall Blue Skye

It’s been such a good day, I almost forgot to start with the otter. I was awake early so made the most of an otter hunt from the quayside. I went to the end and looked out and out …but nothing.  Just about to call it a day, in front of my nose by the edge of the water pops up the otter with a splash! I spent a good twenty minutes watching him hunt, catch and eat fish - maybe eels too (because they wriggled!) He came ashore, left his mark and continued in the water to hunt, catch and eat fish. 

Oh, and it’s blue sky! All day, it was forecast but even though I didn’t rush, I was still on my bike just after 8am. 

I cycled over the Skye Bridge, all the way along Loch Alsh and then Loch Duit, to Shiel Bridge and my first of two hills today, Bealach Ratagan - one mighty fine hill climb with stunning views that I had to go a little way back for, once I’d reached the top, to catch on camera.

I took every moment I could to savour the day. The road is in top condition, possibly kept up by the logging company, and the descent was equally spectacular (my blip). It’s then a long, pretty meander to the Glenelg ((Earth) twinned with Glenelg (Mars)!) ferry. I spotted a cafe sign. I hit a single shot latte for a fix to get up the other side before heading for the little ferry run by two lovely guys. I had a chat with a couple in a little red open top sporty number, let all four vehicles go by and just shared the ascent with the cuckoos (so many cuckoos here!)

This road is much more potholed but just gave a good excuse to potter back to Kyleakin and enjoy the smell of the coconut gorse and the sounds of yet more cuckoos. 

It’s feeling very hard to tear myself away from this part of the holiday, particularly with another blue sky day tomorrow. I feel like I’m on a trip to the seaside! But, I’ve hatched a plan and I’ll be on my way soon.

Going to bed in Kinlochleven to the sound of yet another cuckoo!

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