I just love the way the Herb Robert is growing through the Dogwood!

I spent the morning cooking and then weeding in the back garden, and in the afternoon I managed to get the thermal curtains in the kitchen hemmed and pressed. Then it was a drive across town to the physio about my left knee. He confirmed that there's nothing wrong with it from a stability point of view, which is good, although there's very slightly more play in the left one. 

Through a series of stretches and manipulations he's made some recommendations which I'm happy with, and he used ultrasound too. He also discovered that my left glute isn't firing on all cylinders so I've some exercises for that too. £45 well spent in my opinion. I hadn't bothered with my GP, they're not specialists and would probably have recommended rest and painkillers... not much good with a scramble and walking this weekend, and Hadrian's Wall coming up in two weeks!

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