Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Because It's There

Kiwi: Blipbear, why are we going up this steep ladder to the attic?

Blipbear: I want to see what's up there. I think Pilipo is hiding something from Cynthia, because he knows she's afraid to climb ladders.

K: More beer, perhaps?

B: Don't be silly -- Cynthia doesn't like beer that much, and it gets too hot up there for beer.

K: Well, I don't think we should go -- it's too dangerous. Look at all the warnings on that label.

B: Kiwi, this is America. They put silly warnings on everything. When you buy a cup of coffee in a plastic cup, there's even a warning telling you that the coffee is hot -- as if anyone would expect it to be cold. I don't know why you should be worried about heights -- you're a bird.

K: How many times do I have to tell you, Blipbear, I'm not just a bird; I'm a kiwi. Kiwis are special -- we're flightless.

B: I'm not sure that's very special, Kiwi, but I get your point. Now lets stop all this chatter and...

K (interrupting): Quick -- get down! I hear whistling -- Pilipo's coming.

K & B exit hurriedly stage right

P.S. I back blipped for yesterday.

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