Breakfast at Poldhu Beach Café.

This morning we met up with an old childhood friend, Janet, at Poldhu Cove, along with her daughter-in-law Jane. ( She took the photo using my phone).
She had arrived in Poldhu yesterday at teatime with her daughter-in-law and son, for a week. So we arranged to meet up as we set out for home,
I have known her since we were 5 years old and went to the same Primary School in Rawtenstall, Lancashire.
Then at the same Grammar School.
We belonged to the same Church Youth group, St Mary’s Parish Church, which was a large one then almost 60 of us,
It was only after I had been to College and began teaching, then married that we lost touch, as we moved to Portsmouth for Stephen’s first job.
It felt like the ends of the earth in those days.
But an enterprising old friend decided to have a reunion in 2001 of the people who lived in the five streets which comprised our “neighbourhood” called Woodcroft, which is situated on the Burnley Road about a couple of miles out of Rawtenstall centre,
People came from all over the country,
It was amazing,
There were about 130 of us and it was so good to see everyone again, A great testimony to the closeness of a community of people where everyone knew each other, and we children went in and out of each other’s houses. We played in the streets and the fields which bordered them.
Janet and I reconnected and have been in touch ever since, along with several others.,She lives not far from south Manchester.
. There have been three reunions since then,
We took our time driving home, stopping at various intervals for a break and something to eat and drink.
Most things are unpacked.
Our lovely friend, Duncan, had left us some shopping, along with some beautiful lilies which he probably had grown himself. He pops in to keep an eye on the place when we are away,
It was a lovely welcome home.

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