
When I went to work this morning it was slightly foggy but pleased to say the sun soon burned it away.
Once home from work I settled down to watch Wigan take on Leeds in the challenge cup a repeat of last weeks league game but this time it was at Leeds. We started off like we finished last weeks game 2nd best and was soon getting beat. After a good talking to at half time we came back out and thankfully turned it around to win 18 - 14 to progress to the quarter finals .
It was then time to make the most of the lovely sunny weather and go for a walk in search of a blip. Quite a few birds singing away and also so insects and butterflies . I spotted this interesting little insect which I had managed to ID as an alderfly .
Back home for a 2nd Challenge cup game this evening a very close game Salford V Huddersfield  and now watching the boxing from Dublin Also enjoying a few beers to chill out 

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