Looking for food

Often when I'm looking out into the garden, I spot a small bird whisking across, too small and too fast to identify. But today, one stopped on one of the conifers over our fence and started pecking at the seed cones.

There were swards of buttercups on Fairway Road earlier this week but the council sent in the mowers and they've all gone. So much for No-Mow May. I had wanted to try out the Shoot-Through technique although how I would have got down to the ground I really don't know.

Charnwood Voices concert at St Mary's in Wymeswold in the evening. Len didn't know where Wymeswold is, and certainly not how to get there. Sad when we've passed through it so many times. We got there under my direction. And got pole position seating opposite the choir. A pleasant evening.

St Mary's was one of the first English parish churches to be remodelled by Pugin in gothic style.

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