Ruby-Throated ...

... hummingbird!

Since the return of our ruby-throated hummingbirds I've been trying to get a good picture of one that wasn't sitting at the feeder.  And I was finally successful today!  Isn't she lovely?!?

The most incredible thing about this photo is the fact that was sitting in clear sight of the feeder waiting and watching for her to come.  And she didn't seem at all fazed that I was sitting there.   I had to use my old 300mm lens attached to the new Nikon with the adaptor so the photo size was smaller than I would have liked.  And as a result I couldn't crop it down any tighter than this.  But I'm rather pleased nonetheless.  Please have a look full screen.

After supper we got out to a local plant nursery to have a look around and then went to Illicks Mill park for a walk.  It was a gorgeous night.

Backblipped: May 21 ... also backblipped for yesterday.

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