Old tree stump

The tree fell down in Storm Arwen and was removed from across th epath but a couple of weeks ago the stump was cut up a bit more revealing the patterns.
Church this morning and the visiting preacher brought 3 people with him so we had a bigger congregation for an excellent service.
After church we had a meeting, one of the items being to approve the draft constitution for transferring to a different sort of charity, fortunately everyone agreed as it's been a bit of a chore getting it ready.
We weren't late home but both of us decided to go out on our bikes (separately) and I did a short ride locally checking out one of the functions on my bike GPS. I went down by the ponds to see if I could see any ducklings but very few birds were around, though I did briefly see a very small moorchick.
Not much else has been done except a bit of admin, a restful time was needed.

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