Last Light

Despite the glorious weather of the last few days, it’s not a time for sunsets, hazy shimmers replacing vibrant, fiery skies. 

Up on the Orme, the weekend trippers are understandably reluctant to leave, stretching every moment of their freedom before facing the long journey home, nose-to-tail along the traffic-choked roads. Here, the air is clear and fresh, silent but for the occasional birdsong and the distant chatter of the group gathered near the cliff edge. 

I love these happy multi-generational gatherings of Asian families. In all probability, they will have picnicked on the grassy slopes before this final posing for photographs and selfies looking out over the shimmering sea, the low darkness of Anglesey hovering on the horizon. 

I’m really torn between the the way the photographer’s scarf catches the light in the group shot with all its action - and the tender, quiet moment as a father leaves the chattering family to stand in silence, his tiny son’s hands wrapped around his shoulders, staring out at all this beauty, capturing this precious moment in his memory. And there’s another extra of the sea itself. 

Thank you for your kind response to yesterday’s kestrels; I’m afraid I’m behind with journals once again. 

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