I had a lovely day all to myself today.  As it's meant to be getting hotter by the end of the week and I had to do some work experimenting with light for Seppo's homework I decided I would go to Clapham. the one in Yorkshire just past Ingleton.  

I arrived fairly early about 10:15 (it only takes about 40-45 minutes from home.  The car park was only about a quarter full so I managed to park under trees.

I'd forgotten how peaceful and beautiful Clapham was.  There were signs that things have gone downhill a bit since covid and that is in the Croft Cafe being closed and The New Inn (on of the pubs) no longer have seating outside by the river.  Other than that it looks pretty much the same.

I then walked up one side of Clapham Beck, which eventually feeds into the River Lune.  Until I got to St James Church..  I have been before but not for a few years so went in to take some photos for my churches project.  It's a pleasant church but only has one staind glass window plus one pane - but I did manage some interior shots relating to light so that was good.

I then walked up the other side of the beck, past this lovely little waterfall to the Old Sawmill Cafe.  Now I have been inside this cafe before and it is really rather lovely.  It is also the place where you buy tickets to go on the Nature Trail and to Ingleborough Cave, which are all on the Ingleborough Estate.  As I was on my own I didn't really want to try this walk today. 

The Cafe is interesting in itself as it has several artifacts relating to the sawmill obvioiulsy and forestry in general.  It also has a small room with hydroelectric info in it, which was interesting.

Then just back along down the other side of the river and enjoyed the beauty and peace of the place in lovely warm sunshine, not too hot and take several photos.  Most of which I will probably ditch but I was experimenting so that is good.

On the way home I stopped off at the Goat Gap Cafe on the A65  for some lunch.  Very nice.  I plumped for the frittata and salad.  I did ask if it was posible to have the frittata without olives as I really don't  like them at all, the young lady said of course  When it came (which was incredibly quick) the olives were actually in the frittata so I just had to hoik them out.  However it also came with a small portion of fries, which I hadn't spotted.  I ate a few but left most as it was too much at lunch time.

I then just came home.  Am now going to edit the photos.

That's all from me for today.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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