Far Easedale, Grasmere

I got up with no plans for the day but soon convinced myself that I’d benefit from an early walk. I know that if I’m not out before 8 o’clock I will end up having a lazy morning and doing a very short afternoon walk.

There’s a lot of road at the start of this walk but it’s always a quieter option than the main route to Easedale Tarn. I was surprised when three people approached along the footpath, then another five. One was wearing a Dryrobe so I knew they had been swimming.

At the footbridge I thought about continuing up to the tarn and did head a short way up the path before I realised that without a drink and only a piece of flapjack it wasn’t sensible so went back the same way.

I walked through a field of sheep that I didn’t recognise. The internet informs me that they are Badger Face Welsh Mountain sheep. Heard a cuckoo too.

The sun came out when I got back into Grasmere.

More photos in the extra.

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