Being Fed.

Slept late this morning and had a quick weed in the front garden before putting out food for the birds. While sorting out my own breakfast I noticed one fledgling being fed by it's mother so got my camera. Usually I see more than one. Maybe this is an early one or I just haven't been looking.  Veda phoned during breakfast. She's still having trouble with a leg injury from a while ago and doesn't want to drive here on Thursday so we're meeting at Lochend farm shop which is closer for her.. This is good as I've run out of plum jam and they stock the one I like. A bit later I saw Andy hanging out washing and went across to ask him if he could fix my hose. I'd made a mess of it last night. Over he came and in a few seconds it was back to normal. What it is to be strong.  Lots of chat. A starling's mum was feeding it sunflower seeds from the feeder while it sat nearby on the fence. Jen's monkey puzzle tree was admired then we went over to Andy's  to look at a tiny tree growing in his grass. He's no idea where it came from or what it is but is going to let it grow. Went to M&S in the afternoon to food shop then to Brigend for mealy worms and a slab to rest the hose on. Bought some bedding and a bag of topsoil, had a good look at their containers.then came home and slobbed out on the sofa.  Not the day as I planned it but much nicer so I'm not complaining.

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