
I woke early and set off for a days plein air painting with a group of people I used to paint with.  It was a beautiful day and what's more the carpet layer was due to put down our new carpets.. perfect. 
The sun shone, it hit nice high temperatures and the painting group was fun. The painting went well in the morning in the shade of the ancient Cedar trees at Compton Verney. After a jolly lunch in the cafe some of the group headed off to look around the exhibition and two of us went back out to paint a bit more.  In the shade of the cedar it was glorious.  There were a couple of quite noisy groups wandering around all day but on the whole it was very peaceful.  I heard a few strange noises and decided that something odd was going on nearby.. I decided to move further from the tree and stand out of its shade.. and not more than 10 minutes later a huge bang rang over the lake .. I thought it was a bird scarer but then down came a HUGE branch from half way up the tree!!!  It crashed down behind me.. thank heavens no one was under it.. it would not have landed on me either but I was glad I had moved!!!  30 feet away far too close! 

The bedroom/bathroom carpet is down and all finished but the hall carpet will need to be done next week.  They needed a machine to remove the glue under the sisal carpet and hadn't brought it.  Thrilled to have the bedroom redone.. yippee!!

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