
By BGCoffee


So we motored on down to south of Bordeaux without too many mishaps.  Missed a turning at one point which, given the 20 km to the next exit was a bit of time waster.   Also, our camper has LPG for cooking and heating etc so we don't carry those annoying bottles.  However, no one told me that there are no fewer than four different ways that the world has chosen to attach LPG pump nozzles to fill up the LPG tank.  Of course, sod's law or in the case sod's French cousin's law says that our LPG socket is different than that used by French pumps.  We are not out of gas, but I had, rather pleased with myself, predicted that LPG would be much cheaper in Europe than the UK and though I was correct about this, the inability to actually purchase any at all rendered my optimistic forecast somewhat moot.
Anyway, to make up for this, the campsite at Lesperon has this incongruous British telephone box.  Extra of the local money making venture, I have never seen so many logs in one place - this is just a small sample of the many piles like this around the campsite.

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