No Mow May

After some thought, I decided that today was the day to mow the lush, long grass in the back garden. Jack and I have chatted about this, and realise that we're still ignorant about how to maximise wildlife-friendly grass-management.  Both of us need to read up a bit, and/or talk to friends who know more.  Expanses of short grass are very useful for playtimes with the grandkids.  How best to combine this with accommodating the life cycles of insects and other creatures?
From ad hoc observation, I've learned that the local blackbirds stopped foraging for worms in the grass, once it grew tall;  I suspect they are not at ease when they can't clearly see whether or not predators are present. It'll be interesting to see whether they come back, now that most of the grass is short again. On the other hand, butterflies and moths have been more numerous than usual.
Much to learn.

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