The Name of the Rose

A day of firefighting technology problems which have emerged since our return from holiday. One was a problem with Backblaze, which is a belt-and-braces backup method I use, which obviously didn’t like being idle for three weeks and decided to stop working. 

The other is a printing problem which started today when I tried to cancel a print run so that I could make an amendment. I wasn’t allowed to do that – the dialogue box said I don’t have the required permission because I’m not the administrator, of all things, despite being the only user, and having used the printer for years with no previous trouble! I’ve tried all the usual things – re-installed the printer driver, uninstalled the printer and re-installed it, re-booted the Mac, but it still doesn’t think I’m the administrator. I’ll sort it out in the end, but it feels like a frustrating waste of time.

So I went out into the garden, which is always a good antidote to stress, and the sight of this beautiful rose cheered me up. I don’t know it’s name, and can’t remember planting it, but I do love it.

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