Time For A Rest

I took half a dozen shots of one of the Welsh Poppies (the other ones are over there too .....more 'abstract) this morning before heading up into the attic to start sorting things out.
There was a load of clothes brought down - and then a load of toys.
SWMBO found that some of the Fisher Price stuff (dating back nearly 40 years) is considered collectors items and is intending on seeing if she can rustle up some interest on 'tinternet.
Some of my posh clothes/suits are actually fitting me again (I have lost weight in the last year or so) - so between that and SWMBO's laying stuff aside there was less that was taken to the charity shop than expected.

There is loads of craft stuff up there and I really don't know how I am going to prise SWMBO from it or where it is going to go to find new owners.....but it needs to be done.

At lunchtime, the resident spider had a guest for lunch - literally.
By teatime you would never know anyone had come calling (as witnessed above).

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